Published on June 1, 2023

How to view user journey in LogSnag?

LogSnag makes it easy to view your user journeys and see how your users are interacting with your application. This is done by using the user_id field in your logs in addition to the optional tags field. In this guide, we will show you how to view your user journey in LogSnag.


Add user_id to your logs

The first step is to use the user_id field in your logs. This field was introduced in our most recent update with LogSnag for SaaS. You can read more about it here. The user_id field is a unique identifier for each user in your application. This field is used to group logs together by user. This is how LogSnag is able to show you the user journey.


Add tags to your logs (optional)

The next step is to add tags to your logs. This is an optional step, but it can be very useful. Tags are used to group events together, and are useful for adding additional context to your logs. You can learn more about tags here.


View your user journey

Head over to a project and click on the search icon on top right side of the screen. From there you can search for a user by their user_id with the @user: prefix. For example, if you wanted to search for a user with the user_id of 123, you would search for @user:123. This will show you all the logs for that user.


Filter by tags (optional)

You can also add additional filters to your search query using the tag-key:tag-value syntax. For example, if you wanted to search for a user with environment production, you would search for @user:123 environment:production.