Published on July 18, 2022

Track your Go cron jobs

Track your Go cron jobs

When setting up cron jobs in Go, it is usually crucial to keep track of their execution and whether they have been executed successfully or not. Sometimes, a minor failure in a cronjob can cause your Go application to stop working correctly. LogSnag makes it easy to track your cron jobs and their execution status all in real-time, and it works seamlessly with your Go code.

Setting up your account

Setting up LogSnag with Go is very simple!

  1. Create a free LogSnag account.
  2. Create a new project on your dashboard.
  3. Copy your API token from the settings page.

Go code snippets

Once your LogSnag account is set up, you can use the following code snippets to track your cron jobs. Just replace the YOUR_API_TOKEN with your LogSnag API token and update your project name.

Using Go with Native
package main

import (

func main() {

url := ""
method := "POST"

payload := strings.NewReader(`{"project":"my-saas","channel":"cronjobs","event":"Cronjob Started","description":"job: email-notifications","icon":"⏰","notify":true}`)

client := &http.Client {
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)

if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
req.Header.Add("Authorization", "Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN")

res, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()

body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {

Go integration details

LogSnag is an easy-to-use event tracking tool that allows you to track any event within your Go application. One of the most common use cases for LogSnag is tracking cron jobs as they are being executed. With LogSnag, you can receive real-time push notifications on your desktop and mobile devices whenever a new cronjob is executed. In addition, you can create simple charts and filter through your data to help you better understand how your Go application is performing.

Other use-cases for LogSnag

  1. Monitor your CI/CD build status for your Go application
  2. Monitor your CPU usage in your Go application
  3. Monitor when database goes down in your Go application
  4. Monitor high disk usage in your Go application
  5. Monitor when a user changes their email address in your Go application
  6. Monitor failed logins in your Go application
  7. Monitor failed payments for your Go application
  8. Monitor memory usage in your Go application
  9. Monitor MySQL downtime in your Go application
  10. Monitor when a new feature is used in your Go application
  11. Monitor your Postgres downtime in your Go application
  12. Monitor Redis downtime in your Go application
  13. Monitor suspicious activity in your Go application
  14. Monitor when a user exceeds the usage limit for your Go service
  15. Monitor when a user is being rate limited in your Go application
  16. Get a notification when your Go code is done executing
  17. Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using Go
  18. Track canceled subscriptions in your Go application
  19. Track when a file is uploaded to your Go application
  20. Track when a form is submitted to your Go application
  21. Track payment events via Go
  22. Track user sign in events in Go
  23. Track user signup events via Go
  24. Track waitlist signup events via Go
View all common use-cases with Go