Published on September 13, 2022

Monitor failed payments for your Java application

Monitor failed payments for your Java application

These days, many Java applications are served via a subscription model where users pay a monthly or yearly fee to use the application. These applications are called SaaS or Software as a Service application. In these applications, users are usually charged a recurring monthly or yearly fee, or in some cases, a pay-as-you-go model where they are charged depending on their usage of the said Java application.

In either of these models, a common issue that the developers of the Java application usually face is when a user's payment fails. These commonly occur when the user's credit card information is invalid, when the user's credit card has expired, or when the user's credit card has been declined by the bank. In addition, in some cases, users use one-time credit cards only valid for a single payment and not recurring payments.

Whether the payment failure is intentional or unintentional, it can cause significant issues for the Java application and the user. For example, if the user is heavily dependent on the application and their payment fails, they may not be able to use it. As a result, they may be forced to cancel their subscription, commonly called churn. In addition, if the payment failure is unintentional, the user may not be aware of the issue and may not be able to use the application until they resolve it.

Therefore, tracking and monitoring failed payments in your Java application is essential to ensure that the user is aware of the issue and can resolve it before it causes any significant problems. Fortunately, here at LogSnag, we have created a powerful solution for this problem. LogSnag is a powerful, real-time event tracking tool that works seamlessly with any Java application. With LogSnag, you can set up event tracking for anything you want and track when a user's payment fails in your Java application in real time. You may also set up optional rules to notify you and your team when a user's payment fails.

LogSnag also allows you to track user journeys and create a timeline of their actions to monitor the users' payment history and any other activity they have done in your application. This way, you can always track the activity of a specific user, such as when their payment fails and any other activity they have done in your application.

Setting up LogSnag

  1. Sign up for a free LogSnag account.
  2. Create your first project from the dashboard.
  3. Head to settings and copy your API token.

Java code snippets

Use the following code snippet to connect LogSnag to your Java application. Please don't forget to replace the YOUR_API_TOKEN with your API token and update the project and channel names.

Using Java with OkHttp
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("application/json");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{\"project\":\"my-saas\",\"channel\":\"billing\",\"event\":\"Payment Failed\",\"description\":\"A 19.99$ payment failed for\",\"icon\":\"💳\",\"notify\":true}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.method("POST", body)
.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN")
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
Using Java with Unirest
Unirest.setTimeouts(0, 0);
HttpResponse<String> response ="")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("Authorization", "Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN")
.body("{\"project\":\"my-saas\",\"channel\":\"billing\",\"event\":\"Payment Failed\",\"description\":\"A 19.99$ payment failed for\",\"icon\":\"💳\",\"notify\":true}")

Java integration details

We strongly believe that event tracking should be simple and accessible to every developer and team. Hence, we have worked hard to create the next generation of event tracking tools.

LogSnag provides powerful features such as cross-platform push notifications, event filtering, user and product journeys, charts, insights, and more. In addition, LogSnag is flexible and easy to use, making it a great companion for your Java applications.

LogSnag provides a generous free plan to get you started with event tracking. You can also check out our pricing page to see our paid plans. So don't hesitate to give us a try and let us know what you think!

Other use-cases for LogSnag

  1. Monitor your CI/CD build status for your Java application
  2. Monitor your CPU usage in your Java application
  3. Monitor when database goes down in your Java application
  4. Monitor high disk usage in your Java application
  5. Monitor when a user changes their email address in your Java application
  6. Monitor failed logins in your Java application
  7. Monitor memory usage in your Java application
  8. Monitor MySQL downtime in your Java application
  9. Monitor when a new feature is used in your Java application
  10. Monitor your Postgres downtime in your Java application
  11. Monitor Redis downtime in your Java application
  12. Monitor suspicious activity in your Java application
  13. Monitor when a user exceeds the usage limit for your Java service
  14. Monitor when a user is being rate limited in your Java application
  15. Get a notification when your Java code is done executing
  16. Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using Java
  17. Track canceled subscriptions in your Java application
  18. Track your Java cron jobs
  19. Track when a file is uploaded to your Java application
  20. Track when a form is submitted to your Java application
  21. Track payment events via Java
  22. Track user sign in events in Java
  23. Track user signup events via Java
  24. Track waitlist signup events via Java
View all common use-cases with Java